Andrew Tate Says He's Moving Back to US As Trump Claims Election Victory

 Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has said that he will be moving back to America, as former President Donald Trump is projected to win the presidency.

Trump is currently projected to win 267 Electoral College votes and has been projected to win in key states by The Associated Press and other news networks, with some results still to be declared. The president-elect declared victory in a speech he gave from Florida at 2:30 a.m. ET.

Tate, who is a dual U.S.-U.K. national, posted on X, formerly Twitter, writing: "I'm moving back to America."

In response to a request for comment on this article, Andrew Tate shared the following quote with Newsweek: "MAGA!"

The 37-year-old is currently under house arrest in Romania and is awaiting trial on human trafficking charges. His brother, Tristan Tate, 36 and two Romanian women are also awaiting trial on human trafficking charges.

Romania's anti-organized crime agency DIICOT is investigating allegations of human trafficking which include: the trafficking of minors, engaging in sexual acts with a minor, forming an organized criminal group and tampering with statements. These alleged offenses occurred between 2014 and 2024. The Tate brothers are also wanted in the U.K. where they face sexual assault allegations.

Tate made a series of posts on X following the news that Trump is projected to win. On X, Tate has over 10 million followers and is known for promoting misogynistic views. He has been banned from multiple social media platforms including InstagramFacebook, YouTube and TikTok.

Andrew Tate
Andrew Tate talks to the media outside the Court of Appeal on October 15, 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. Tate posted on social media today that he will move back to the US following Trump's projected...  Andrei Pungovschi/Getty Images

"THE PATRIARCHY IS BACK," he posted. Tate then followed this up with a post where he reiterated his belief that "women shouldn't be allowed to vote."

He referred to Trump as "the best president in history," before announcing that he will move back to America.

In many of the posts Tate has made, he has used language that many would deem offensive, including when referencing Vice President Kamala Harris.

In a further post from Tate, he shared a screenshot of messages that he had sent to multiple women, where he said: "Make me a sandwich." Accompanying the screenshot he wrote: "Trumps back fellas. Get on your A game."

Tate, who has described himself as "absolutely a misogynist," as per the BBC, has stated his view that women shouldn't be able to vote on social media multiple times.

In late September, he said on X that "women shouldn't vote because they don't care about issues outside of how THEY feel," and said that "they literally can't see the bigger picture for the good of a society and they certainly won't ever sacrifice for it."

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