What is the real name of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal's real name is also Kajal Aggarwal, as same as her screen name.
Does Kajal Aggarwal has any nicknames?
Yes. Her nickname is Kajju.
When is the birthday of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal's birthday is Wednesday, 19th June 1985.
What is the age of Kajal Aggarwal as of June 2023?
Kajal Aggarwal's age is 37 years as of June 2023. Her next birthday is coming in 2 weeks from now.
Where does Kajal Aggarwal born (city)?
Kajal Aggarwal born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Where does Kajal Aggarwal live?
She lives in Mumbai,Maharashtra now (2023)
What is the height of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal's height is 5 '4" (in Feet Inches), 1.63m (in meters), 163 cm (in centimeters).
What is the weight of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal's approximate weight is 56 kg (123 lbs)
What is the eye and hair color of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal's eye color is Brown and her hair color is Black.
What is the zodiac sign of Kajal Aggarwal?
Her zodiac sign is Gemini.
What religion is Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal follows Hinduism.
Is Kajal Aggarwal an Indian citizen?
Yes. Kajal Aggarwal is an Indian citizen.
What is the qualification of Kajal Aggarwal?
Kajal Aggarwal completed her High School from St. Anne's High School,Mumbai, Degree in Mass Media from Jai Hind College,Mumbai, and Masters Degree from K.C.College,Mumbai.
What is the salary of Kajal Aggarwal (in 2023)?
Kajal Aggarwal's salary is 2 Crores per project (2023). This may vary based on the number of languages, the film/series made.
How much is Kajal Aggarwal's net worth?
It is estimated that Kajal Aggarwal has net assets worth 66 Crores. We cannot say this figure is very accurate. But her net worth must be around this amount.
What are the hobbies of Kajal Aggarwal?
Dancing, Yoga and Reading are few of Kajal Aggarwal's hobbies, which she usually like to do while she is not working.
Does Kajal Aggarwal drink alcohol or smoke?
No. Kajal Aggarwal doesn't smoke or drink.
Who are Kajal Aggarwal's parents?
Kajal Aggarwal's father name is Vinay Aggarwal, a Business Person. Her mother name is Suman Aggarwal, a Confectioner.
How many sisters/brothers Kajal Aggarwal has?
Kajal Aggarwal has a sister, named Nisha Agarwal(Actress).
Is Kajal Aggarwal married or not? Who is her husband?
Kajal Aggarwal is not married yet and she is single as of now (June 2023)
Who is Kajal Aggarwal's boy friend now (June 2023)?
As we know, Kajal Aggarwal didn't date anyone till date. So we don't have any information about her boy friend/affairs.
Kajal Aggarwal's contact details and social network profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc)
Celebrities usually prefer not to share their personal contact information to safeguard their privacy. We tried our best to collect and share all available details below.
Please do not worry if you don't find the exact detail you're looking for. You can always conatct the celebrities via comments section in any of their social account profiles. (The links are given below)
If you have any information that is not available here, please let us know and we will add them as soon as possible.
Kajal Aggarwal Office Address & Contact Details
- Office Address: Not Available
- Phone Number: Not Available
- Manager Phone Number: Not Available
- Booking Agent Number: Not Available
Kajal Aggarwal Personal Contact Details
- Residence Address: Not Available
- Mobile Number: Not Available
- Whatsapp Number: Not Available
- Email Address: Not Available
- Website Address: Not Available
Kajal Aggarwal Social Media Profiles
- Wikipedia URL: Click here to visit
- Facebook Profile/Page: Click here to visit
- Twitter Account: Click here to visit
- Instagram Account: Click here to visit
- Youtube Address: Click here to visit
- Pinterest Account: Not Available
- IMDB Profile: Click here to visit
Listen Kajal Aggarwal Songs & Music Albums
Which brands Kajal Aggarwal endorse?
Kajal Aggarwal endorsed 12 brands. We listed them below:
- Celebrity Cricket League
- Lux
- Colgate
- Bru Coffee
- Poorvika Mobile Shops
- RS Brother's Jewellery Shop
- Sri Lakshmi Jewellery
- AVR Swarna Mahal
- Panasonic
- Green Trends Spa
- Dabur Amla Nelli
- Samsung Mobile
What are Kajal Aggarwal's favorites?
- Favorite Foods: Hyderabadi Biryani
- Favorite Actors:
Shahrukh Khan,
Mahesh Babu, Junior NTR,
- Favorite Actresses:
Katrina Kaif,
Kajol Devgan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
- Favorite Directors: Puri Jagannadh, S.S.Rajamouli, Teja
- Favorite Sports: Cricket
- Favorite Books: The Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi, The Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Walle
- Favorite Movies: Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
- Favorite Destinations: Goa, Kerela
- Favorite Colors: White, Red, Blue
What are the properties/assets Kajal Aggarwal own?
- Cars: BMW